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Community News From The Field

Consultants from across the globe share news from their regions in an Angels Consultants Group. Here are some highlights.
Angels team 10 March 2023

From Daiana Michel, Argentina

1 March at 15:47

Good morning everyone from Argentina!

I wanted to share with you one of the cutest moments in our day to day as consultants. Those moments that renew your faith and fill you with joy, that remind you that being a consultant is not a "more job" but a privilege because we have the possibility to perform a altruistic task and we love what we do!

I met the Angels Initiative a little over 4 years ago, from the first day I fell in love with the project, I began to participate in workshops and to get much more involved in the development of the Stroke protocol in my work as Supervisor Management and Operational Training I had in an emergency company in Buenos Aires, spent time and with the opportunities came, since October 2022 I am part of this beautiful team and yesterday for the first time arrived the message that is in the photo! The one you dream of since starting to develop an institution from scratch.

This message personally became more special by the place where it comes from, a town of 24,000 inhabitants more than 100km from Federal Capital, a place where it seems that time stops and that people do not have the same access as those that they live in more urban areas, but we know ACVs don't understand distances...

Thanks to the ROPU Mentoring Program we met Dr. Ignacio Girolimini, a person who put his 124-year-old hospital with young blood on the map who is committed to giving the best public health service there can be with the resources that can be they have, maybe few, but with a big heart!

On February 1 this year I went to visit them for the first time, I was greeted by a group of people with very diverse roles, medical director, admissions staff, nursing, therapy, medical clinic, kinesiology, representatives of the public ambulance service and Dr. Ignacio Girolimini all with a huge smile and united by the desire to change the reality of their community, just 27 days later comes this message, with a joy that can not be described, is the day you know that changed history for that community, which now in more all the inhabitants of that village receive quality treatment from the hand of a human team committed to doing things right, at that moment I knew that that message was going to stay forever in my heart

Now I invite you to remember how that first message was, because I'm very sure that when you do, you'll have the same smile I have while writing these lines!

An affectionate greeting and an excellent day for everyone!



From: Kim Malkin, Australia

6 March at 7:57

Decision Day for stroke patients in regional Queensland, Australia

I am super proud to share a story about a Code Stroke Simulation conducted last Friday by our Angels Consultant Robert Hopkinson.

Until today, Bowen Hospital in regional Queensland did not treat stroke, instead patients had to embark on a 2.5-hour transfer to Mackay Hospital where they were often too late to receive treatment.

Determined to change this and achieve ‘Stroke Ready’ status, the team at Bowen Hospital and the Queensland Ambulance Service have been working with Rob to develop protocols and conduct immersive training sessions- all leading to ‘Decision Day’ on Friday 3rd March 2023.

The code stroke simulation was conducted to test the developed protocols and determine the readiness of the stroke patient survival pathway. We are delighted for the Bowen community that the Board of Mackay Hospital and Health Service have given approval to Bowen Hospital to thrombolyse eligible stroke patients.

Another positive step towards removing the enormous inequity that exists for stroke patients in regional and rural Australia!



From: William Masih, India

3 March at 11.57

#Angelsrocks Angels Initiative India Begin with TOP-Down approach through state NCD and central health ministries in year 2020, where Punjab state of North India was among the first to roll out Angels Initiative Capacity building approach and begin with Trainings and practical experiences.

On 1st Dec 2022 we had Full state level Orientation cum capacity building workshop for a day with Department of Health and family Welfare Govt. Of Punjab

In the presence of Hon’ble health minister of Punjab.

Key highlights:

• Angels Steering committee members Dr Jeyaraj Pandian(President Elect WSO) Dr Dheeraj Khurana and Angels Initiative presented the Road map for better Stroke care.

• Stroke kit advantages Displayed by Angels Consultant RG Rohan and distributed to Trained hospitals.

• Angels Initiative India continue adding value to States given, opportunity and our work recognised by industry in India.

• In recent release of OPPI ( Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India) year book 2022 captured our work.

This is another milestone Angels Team #INDIA achieved in Jan 2023.



From Emar Autor, Philippines

18 February at 13:38

Hello Team Angels!

Finally launched the 6-month program of the stroke nurse masterclass in partnership with the Stroke Society of the Philippines.

Cheers to growing the ANGELS community in the country.

Happy Weekend!

#angelsrocks #OneAngelsGlobal




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