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Saving Lives In Córdoba | Doing Whatever It Takes

Creativity and perseverance are paying off in the fight against stroke in Covid-hit Córdoba.

ESOC 2021 | View Highlights From The Conference

Watch and share videos of the awards ceremonies, the symposia and the webinars.

CALL 119 | An App Comes To The Rescue In Indonesia

An app being piloted in five Indonesian cities will enable stroke patients to summon help at the touch of a button.

PATIENT SURVEY | How Many Of Your Patients Arrive On Time?

The Angels Initiative Patient Survey provides you with valuable information about your stroke patients’ journey to care.

Angels In Indonesia | Personal Heartbreak Drives Change

Strategic partnerships and a systematic approach help our team in Indonesia tackle their country's number one killer.

Stroke Nurses | The Power Of 1,000

The enrolment of over 1,000 nurses in a training programme has the potential to transform the stroke care community.