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Network At Work | A Quality Mindset In Central Tuscany

Santa Maria Nuova Hospital lead the way with five diamond awards. Soon, other hospitals in the region were going for gold.

YONM 2020 | Nurses Becoming Trainers

The International Nurse Training was held to improve the knowledge and skills of stroke nursing staff in nine countries.

BLOG | “We Have To Act Differently, We Are An Angels Hospital”

Angels hospitals have to walk differently, talk differently and ultimately care for our patients differently, writes Jan van der Merwe.

BLOG | Everything He Needed Was There In One Place!

The Angels website is your problem-solving toolbox, writes Angels Europe Project Lead Jan van der Merwe in The Angels Journey.
Czech Republic

22 Diamond Awards | Four Lessons From The Czech Republic

Dr Aleš Tomek shares the wisdom behind the 22 Diamond Awards earned by Czech Hospitals in the same quarter.

EMS Awards | Championing The Providers Of Pre-Hospital Care

Raising morale raises the game, is the principle that drives the inaugural EMS Angels Awards.