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Innovation In Learning Through Simulations

Dr. Paola Santalucia explains how simulation helps stroke teams refine their protocols to continuously deliver optimal stroke care.

Take The Leap

Neurologists from around the globe agree that huge leaps are needed in order to impact more patients in a shorter time.
BBC Storyworks Stroke Series

BBC Storyworks | Critical Stroke Care During COVID-19

The #TurningTheTide video series aims to spotlight the work of institutions fighting non-communicable diseases.

Webinar | Learning From WSO Angels Diamond Centres

Learn how two WSO Angels Diamond award centres overcame their challenges to achieve high standards of care.

The Final Frontier | Reducing Symptom-to-Door Time

If our mission is to give every stroke patient the best chance of survival, we have to solve this “final frontier” in acute stroke care.

The Seven Virtual Wonders

Since 2018, Angels has been expanding its coverage to stroke communities in countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.