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Honouring Nurses

2020 was the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife to honour the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth.

Time Is Life

Why did it take so long for the hospital to realise she was having a stroke? What could life have been like if she had been treated earlier?

From Pen And Paper To A Lasting Legacy

This outstanding team from Spain have turned what started as manual quality monitoring into a proud legacy.

A Multi-Dimensional Approach To Improving Stroke Care

Angels support in the Philippines helped shape and nurture the stroke services in three hospitals.

Striving For Success | An In-hospital & Pre-hospital Approach

The Da Nang stroke team from Central Vietnam and the Angels team are dedicated to the joint goal to “give life a chance”.

Malaysia's First Dedicated Stroke Emergency Unit

This ambitious pilot project is expected to be expanded nationwide.