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Integrated Model Of Stroke Management

Through international projects such as the Angels Initiative, we can do more to save the lives of patients.

Our First Recanalisation Therapy

An Argentinian hospital accomplished their first intravenous recanalisation therapy with a door-to-treatment time of 41 minutes!

Train The Trainer – Growing Our Wings

The idea behind the Train the Trainer concept is to equip doctors, nurses and ambulance crews with tools for positive change.

Achieving The Impossible With Angels Initiative

The Angels Initiative has helped us change our mindset - to keep thinking about how to be better.

There Is Always Room For Improvement

A Latvia hospital notches up a door-to-needle time of a 9 lightning-quick minutes.

Unifying The South Of Spain

A multi-disciplinary meeting unites stroke care professionals from the regions of Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva and Seville.