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Acute Stroke Care | Inside The Catalan Master Plan

In Catalonia a unique stroke circuit aims to provide treatment access to everyone who makes this region their home.

How A New Bulgarian Stroke Ready Hospital Saved Its First Life

In the Veliko Tarnovo region, MDHAT “Stefan Cherkezov” was the first hospital to transform itself into a stroke-ready centre.

Drivers Of Change | Train The Trainer

Angels Train the Trainer workshops equip participants with specific tools to act as catalysts for improvement of stroke care.

BLOG | Sailing Towards Improvement

What can a disastrous voyage 400 years ago tell us about adopting best practices?

BLOG | A Lesson From The Airport

Doing small things differently can save time at the airport – and shave significant minutes off a stroke team’s door-to-treatment time.

Spirit Of Excellence Award Winners & Nominees 2020

Find out what it takes to become the winner of a Spirit of Excellence Award.